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Enhanced Customization - Font and Background Color Options

Enhanced Customization -  Font and Background Color Options

Enhanced customization font and background color optionsEnhanced Customization: Font and Background Color Options

We're excited to announce a major enhancement to your Imejis.io experience – the ability to change font color and background color for shapes like rectangles, circles, lines, and text boxes!

🌈 What's New?: With this update, you now have more creative control over your designs. Customize the font color and background color of different shapes to match your brand's style.

Imejis.io Public Pages with Color Options Selections

🖌️ How It Works: It's simple! When editing a shape, look for the new color options in the customization panel. Experiment with different combinations until you achieve the perfect look.

Imejis.io Public Pages with Color Options Popup

Why It Matters: This enhancement empowers you with even more customization options that were not available in previous versions. Your designs will stand out and capture attention like never before.

Whether you're designing social media graphics, presentations, or marketing materials, Imejis.io's enhanced customization features will help you create visuals that truly resonate.

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